After the spectacularly successful Hawaiin night at Chez Boop, the following run was always going to be an uphill battle to maintain the high Standards that the Capital hash expects. However, K-WINEY and the RAMBOSAURUS certainly maintained those standards by setting a fine run in adverse conditions and once again Providing the best nosh. Heavy rain was expected but didn’t eventuate. What we got was enough light drizzle to enable the RA to be charged. The runners disappeared into the murky blackness. POOSH reported the trail as being “Crystal clear”, well-marked and of a good length. The run received an unprecedented 9/10. However because it was a wet track, the Duckworth Lewis rules were applied and the score was Adjusted to 2/10. The walkers also disappeared into the mizzle. Followed the provided mappage, got lost a few times, arrived at the drink stop about half an hour after the runners and enjoyed the mulled chips and chilli wine. CRASH and BURN was particularly loud and obnoxious tonight. He intimated that a short circle was a good circle.????WTF There we were Enjoying the fire bucket, as provided by ANKLE BITER, on a balmy Canberra evening and C and B wants to end all the fun prematurely??? AB was charged for exceeding GREASENIPPLEs capacity to run HF was seen running in circles to artificially increase his Fitbit step counter. AB related how the Army had offered him a penis extension and then realised that he was a big enough cock already. FLOOMOO teased the pack by promising to “release the puppies” and was also charged for overdressing up for the beer bitch role. KWINEY was charged for giving HORNBLOWER a land chart WXMAN was charged for Virtual hashing DH2 was also charged for not being on the run and also for NOT being “missing in Action” Awards: POPTART – Dummy spit SCARLETT – for stating that fire required the “Gerbils” factor GREASE NIPPLE - For only blowing once The GM actually blurted out the F word SCARLETT reported that DDHDs health has improved to the point where he is signing on for next years city to surf Nosh was fantastic C and B was Obnoxious HF was bleating about not having a driver for the trip back to the deep south The circle became fucked On On and may the Hash Gods bless you all